
What We Do

The Fibers Area offers core courses in surface design, papermaking, weaving, feltmaking, basketry, book arts, digital printing, sewing and embellishment, art wear, soft sculpture, and installation. The Fibers Area equips students with the intellectual, aesthetic and technical skill required to create contemporary art. Students in the Fibers Area reflect a diverse range of intellectual and material approaches. Rigorous critical dialogue communicates social and political discourse intertwined to the Fibers discipline. Analog and digital technologies, global textile production, gender and sexuality, craftivism, community and sustainable making are topics explored by undergraduate and graduate Fibers students. Techniques taught in the Fibers Area inform visual communication for all art media.

Fibers Lab

Recent Visiting Artists

Aaron McIntosh, Nathalie Miebach, Kelsey Viola Wiskirchen, Helen Hiebert, Jiyoung Chung, John Garrett, Tracy Krumm, Polly Adams Sutton, Jill Nordfors Clark, Luanne Rimel, Laura Strand, Nancy Moore Bess, Erica Spitzer Rasmussen and Allison Milham.


Fibers Faculty and Students