Danielle (Dani) Hardy -DST and Photography Senior

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Danielle (Dani) Hardy is a senior majoring in Digital storytelling and minoring in both Black Studies and Art Photography.

As a SVS student, Dani is preparing for their senior capstone project. Dani adds, “The project is about generational wealth and comfort in the home provided by the black body. I’m exploring this idea in photographic and textile mediums.”

When asked about their style of art, Dani mentioned, “I think my style of art is unique because I love to use historical references in modern context to bring a new perspective to older ideas.” (See attached photography)

Dani also entered a short film entitled “Golden Air” into this year’s VADS! (Visual Arts and Design Showcase).

Their film has been selected and will screen during the showcase! (See film link attached below)

With graduation right around the corner, I asked Dani what their next steps are. Dani adds, “After graduation I am moving to Boston to work for Converse.”

Great work from Dani!