Mizzou Arts Lecture Series presents Sonja Drimmer

Mizzou Arts Lecture Series presents “Printing Money and Playing Politics before the Printing Press” by Sonja Drimmer on Monday, October 2, 5-6 p.m. in Swallow Hall 101.
Drimmer is a scholar of medieval European art with expertise in illuminated manuscripts and early print. Before joining the University of Massachusettes Amherst 2013, she received her BA from Brown University and Ph.D. from Columbia University. Her research is largely concerned with premodern notions of authorship and authority, media theory, book history, reproduction, and the aesthetics and material culture of politics. She maintains a strong interest in historiography and in particular how mediation, reproduction, and restoration shape the reception of objects over time.
Known for her research on fifteenth-century English book art and material culture, Drimmer's recent publications on early twentieth-century debates about the photographic reproduction of works of art and on contemporary relationships between art, art history/the humanities, and artificial intelligence. She is a prize-winning teacher and a dynamic, engaging lecturer, who was a fellow at the National Humanities Center in 2020.
Upcoming Fall '23 Lecture Series schedule:
Kimi Kitada, Curator, October 11
Wes Brown, Ceramic Artist, November 1
Chris Filippone, Doc Filmmaker, November 15