But Some of it is True is an exploration of Black diasporic oral traditions, their forms, functions, and lineages. The project examines the utility of storytelling as a tool for encoding, storing, and sharing knowledge across generations and posits an alternative creative/ intellectual ecosystem that predates and now runs parallel to contemporary Eurocentric ideological frameworks.
• The ducks - QQMF • The ducks are a mashup of the Sankofa bird and racist depictions of Black people popularized in the 19th and 20th centuries. The project explores diasporic memory, violence as performance/ entertainment, and souvenirs and other comfort objects in terms of maintaining and navigating racial history.
• The pigs - WMWGTWTKM • takes the caricaturization of police as pigs and expands it to include a variety of violent white supremacists. The body of work is a mix of cartoons and research documents.
• The bar - SOBF • Speculative afterlife for Black people to relax. Alter and offering.